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Solids Evolution

the infant's perspective

nurture nature's essence

Somehow, we have morphed into introducing foods to our infants like they are mini adults. However, if we look at our elemental infant's digestive and oral development this is far from the truth. So, this evolution and BabyCues Bio-logical Solids Weaning calls for us to return to nature’s innate biology and embrace a new way of implementing solids that is truly, holistically child led. 

or, continue scrolling to learn about our wish to align our practices with infant digestive development.


our infant's current situation

Our infant's short-and long-term health is being sabotaged. New fads and facades that say we can feed infants the same diet as adults when they first begin, start solids at four months, along with illogical amounts of food are having a substantial adverse effect on their wellbeing.

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And I am tired of seeing infant mental and physical health weakened from the deluge of profit driven advice and fads that are currently being projected to parents. I know that sounds somewhat negative, but once you understand where a lot of the new advice comes from, and the ill motives that are behind them, you can clearly see that we really do need to advocate for our infants like never before, to make sure their natural biology is respected. 

Our infant’s need us to slow down our pace of introducing solids to accommodate their intimate learning and digestive adjustments to food.

Their basic capabilities, capacities, oral and digestive development is telling us that we are heading in the wrong direction when it comes to advice like, ‘lot’s of variety is best’ and ‘chunky food is fine. It doesn‘t matter if they gag.’ Sorry? Really? Is that truly being baby-led? Ignoring their cue that they cannot breakdown, or swallow that food? This interpretation and dismissive taught belief alone, tells us it's time for change. 

So, I am starting this Solids Evolution in the hope of reinstating some commonsense methods on how best to introduce solids in the first two years, based on our basic, early biological development. While we also say, on mass, that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH when it comes to practices that do not align to nature’s biology.


Philippa x



in the press


Family Times
Kiwi Families
Little Treasures
Oh Baby
New Idea
Family Health Diary
Academic Journals
World Association for Infant Mental Health
North and South
Lincoln University
New Zealand Society of Authors

parent support available


BabyCues Bio-logical Weaning Guide holds a much needed, infant centered approach on how to introduce solids from six months to two years of age. Aligning with World Health Organisation recommendations, it is underpinned by the ingenious philosophy of Plain + Slow = Gain + Grow. Combining the best of the current methods of Baby-led Weaning and Traditional Purees, whilst leading the way with comprehensive wisdom, and research that decisively entwines with nature and the developing digestive system of an infant.

breastfeeding diet guide

If you want to confidently eat without worry that your food is upsetting your baby, then this guide is for you. So many Mums are told that their breastfeeding diet doesn't matter - to simply eat the healthiest known diet. However, time and time in my BabyCues Clinic I observe notable differences when diet, inclusive of food, supplements and drinks.

Feeding Volumes and weight

As your baby grows it's important to make sure they receive enough liquid but also not too much, so they feel comfortable and food begins to become their main source of sustenance by the age of eleven to twelve months, and this guide will aid your direction on this when it's accompanied with my Bio-logical Weaning Guide. The amounts are also aligned to your child's developing digestive system.

Tongue & lip Tie


As a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist and with my training undertaken with the well-known Dr. Ghaheri, an ENT surgeon, I witness many Digestive Overload symptoms that are caused by tongue and lip ties. I also see many of these being mis-diagnosed, so wanted to provide parents with the professional tools to achieve a preliminary check, along with the best pathway for treatment.

natural vaccinations remedies

Whilst the reactions to childhood vaccinations wouldn't be groups within Digestive Overload causes, I do feel these natural remedies for the symptoms of vaccinations help considerably, so wanted to share it here for you that choose to go ahead with vaccinations.

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but wait, there's more


Whether you are just about to start solids with your child, or have perhaps been providing them for a while but they are not entirely comfortable, or you simply want to adopt the method of Bio-logical Weaning with Philippa’s support, then booking a private consultation maybe for you. Ask all the questions you’d like, and receive advice that is specific to your child’s situation.


Receive three of my top tips for reducing trapped air, thus helping you and your baby right now. These tips turn ingrained thinking about burping on their head, but gosh, do they make logical sense! I hope you find them helpful, and I’ll see you in your inbox, as you get the benefit of receiving exclusive information, giveaways and tips.



Visit BabyCues Library to access real life stories, recommendations, investigations, research that parents don't tend to hear and tips and tricks from Philippa, a leading specialist in her field. This really is a library index like no other!


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I can’t thank you enough as your approach to Jaden’s health is so tailored to his needs. I really think this is why we are on a good path at the moment and know it would be a very different story had I not been speaking with you. It’s so enjoyable to see him loving his solids now.

Philippa, I am amazed at how well your philosophy is working. After following Baby-led Weaning for two months, feeling like I was doing the best thing for her and couldn’t understand why my little cherub was in pain, I now see I wasn’t offering what was best. Thank you for all the research you have done. I will be telling others for sure.

I seriously can’t thank you enough!!! You have no idea how grateful we are, no idea! I am SOOO grateful for you. She has gone from not eating to today she ate so much it was insane to watch, and she napped and played. It’s just a totally different child, we are so overwhelmed with it. Thank you from the bottom of our heart.

biology has the answers

we simply need to embrace it more

Time and time again in my career, and with the world around us, I feel that we humans think that we are above nature. That we are superior, and we know more. But it is this contemptuous belief that see’s so many infants experiencing ill health, intolerances, allergies, obesity, and daily discomfort that creates unsettled sleep, food or milk refusal, writhing, grizzling , crying or screaming, gas, and constipation or diarrhoea, and more. Much of which could be avoided, if only we graciously let biology take the lead.

We need to move away from following the commercially marketed advice, or the next fad, and base our choices on the child’s digestive biology and holistic development at each age and stage. This necessary shift in balance is key and BabyCues Plain + Slow = Gain + Grow philosophy offers that balance. It’s also in line with World Health Organisations Guidelines and being adopted by thousands around the world with great success.

We need to hold sacred the time digestive and oral development requires if we are to deliver health on a plate to our infants, thus nurturing a healthier generation. The time for change is now!


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