The BabyCues Bio-logical Weaning Guide holds a much needed, infant centred approach on how to introduce solids from six months to two years of age. With back-to-basic, insightful know-how, practical tips, researched based knowledge and solutions to some of the problems that may happen during a child’s first eighteen months of their food journey, this beautifully written guide is one out of the box – thankfully!
Aligning with World Health Organisation recommendations, BabyCues Bio-logical Weaning Practice is underpinned by the ingenious philosophy of Plain + Slow = Gain + Grow.
It combines the best of the current methods of Baby-led Weaning and Traditional Purees, whilst leading the way with comprehensive wisdom, and research that decisively entwines with nature and the developing digestive system of an infant.
This guide on complementary food is authentic, beautifully simple, researched base, full of practical tips, and is truly ground breaking for positive, illuminating infant health outcomes around the globe.
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